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It appears you're asking for instructions on setting up a Trezor hardware wallet with "Strat," which might refer to a specific cryptocurrency or platform. Here's a general step-by-step guide for setting up a Trezor wallet:

  1. Purchase a Trezor: Visit the official Trezor website ( and purchase a Trezor hardware wallet. Make sure to buy directly from the manufacturer to ensure the authenticity of the device.

  2. Unboxing: Once you receive your Trezor device, carefully unbox it and ensure that all the components are present, including the device itself, a USB cable, recovery seed cards, and any other accessories.

  3. Connect to Computer: Use the provided USB cable to connect your Trezor device to your computer.

  4. Navigate to Open a web browser and go to This will guide you through the setup process.

  5. Install Trezor Bridge (Optional): If you're using a desktop computer, you may need to install Trezor Bridge, a software that facilitates communication between your Trezor device and your browser.

  6. Initiate Setup: Follow the instructions on the Trezor website to initiate the setup process. This typically involves choosing your device model and creating a new wallet.

  7. Choose PIN: Set up a PIN for your Trezor device. Make sure to choose a strong PIN and remember it, as you'll need it every time you use your Trezor.

  8. Backup Recovery Seed: Your Trezor device will generate a 24-word recovery seed. Write down these words in the exact order provided and store them in a safe place. This seed is crucial for recovering your funds in case your Trezor is lost, stolen, or damaged.

  9. Confirm Backup: After writing down your recovery seed, Trezor will ask you to confirm that you've done so. Follow the instructions to confirm.

  10. Wallet Setup Complete: Once you've completed the setup process, your Trezor wallet is ready to use. You can now send and receive cryptocurrencies using your Trezor device.

Last updated